The Jay Way starts before you even get to the mountain and continues long after you’ve left. It’s a road that runs through the communities we reside in here in the most special corner of New England. Go poke around Montgomery, Jay, Troy, Newport, Westfield, and the other small towns that make us who we are and make the Jay Way what it is.
It's all about connection
No matter what slice of the world you call home, this page can help keep you connected to that special bit of indescribable something. The people, businesses, and small touches that can turn a simple vacation into something certainly more memorable, and likely more meaningful.
Looking for more information on Jay Peak and its surrounding communities? Find all the details via our local chambers:

Top of VT
Everything you want to know about the Jay Peak Region.
Discover Newport
Newport, the closest downtown experience to Jay Peak, has plenty to offer by way of great food, lake access, and local charm.
North Country Chamber
Covering all the towns in the heart of the Northeast Kingdom; is comprised of three Vermont Counties, Essex, Orleans, and Caledonia.
NEK Chamber of Commerce
Find information on attractions, lodging, dining throughout the region in the Northeast Kingdom..
Community Events
There are always plenty of events happening both at Jay Peak and in the communities that surround the mountain. Here's a taste of what you might find to keep you entertained:
Jay Area Food Shelf | Every Thursday

The Flake Foundation
Our commitment to the community
As the largest independent business and employer in the region, we have a responsibility to support local communities, the people that live within them, and the various causes and opportunities that help them to thrive. The Flake Foundation was put into place to recognize that responsibility and to create a platform of support.
Whether it comes in the form of scholarships to local students, the donation of lift tickets, lodging stays, golf rounds and waterpark visits to local charities, or providing the support of our employee network to local efforts and events, Jay Peak uses the Flake Foundation as the gathering point for our community support commitments.
Our communities enrich us, as we, in turn, support them. While we can’t do everything, we recognize that it’s our responsibility to try and do something.