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Powder Alert | 8-10" On The Ground
Forecasts are calling for another quick storm by Thursday.
Special Midwinter Waterpark Day Rates for Vermonters

Vermonter Waterpark Discounts

Vermonters save on special Pump House Indoor Waterpark admission rates through February 14th, 2025.

waterpark slide

We know the cold winds of winter won't stop hearty Vermonters from performing their day-to-day duties. But for any folks looking to hang up the flannel and float ashore for a discounted day visit to our always-tropical indoor oasis, this deal's for you.

4-Pack Deal

  • $119+tx for up to 4 people (all ages).
  • $35/person add-on for more people in the group.

Individual Deal: 

  • $35+tx, all ages for a single admission.

Must present valid proof of Vermont residency at check-in. If proof cannot be provided, guests can pay the difference to the regular retail rate.

Bonus Arcade Action

  • Plus, the first 100 guests to the waterpark across these dates will also receive a free $3 Arcade Card. Valid Sun-Fri (not valid Saturdays) through February 14th, 2025.

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