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25+26 Season Passes now on sale. No rate increases to Tier 1. Passes valid through the rest of this season. Purchase by April 27th for best rates, most benefits and perks.


Current operations, cancellations, refunds and summer plans.

Understandably we're getting a lot of questions about cancellations & refunds, upcoming events, summer operations. etc. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions.

2019+20 Season Passes

We understand that you're disappointed that the season came to an unexpected early close. Given the circumstances, we can all agree it was unavoidable. In an attempt to recognize that you missed roughly 4 weeks of late season access we want to provide some value in the form of opportunities to visit us.

Adult, Family Adult, Couple, U29, Senior (60-69, 70-79, 80+)

These pass categories will be loaded with:

  • A Golf round, including cart (up to $105 value).
  • A day pass to the Pump House Indoor Waterpark ($41 value). 
  • A transferable lift ticket for the 2020+21 Ski/Ride Season (up to $89 value).

College/University Student, Junior, Family Junior, Midweek, and Beginner Zone

These passes will be loaded with:

  • A day pass to the Pump House Indoor Waterpark (up to $41 value)
  • A transferable lift ticket for the 2020+21 Ski/Ride Season (up to $89 value).

Details & Redemption

  • These make goods apply to both Jay Only and Combo passes purchased at Jay Peak.
  • Golf rounds will be valid any day except Saturdays through the 2020 Golf Season. Based on availability.
  • Waterpark access can be redeemed any day, non-holiday through April 30th, 2021. Based on availability. Confirm facility schedules at
  • Lift tickets will be valid any day, non-holiday, through April 30th, 2021.
  • Lift tickets issued will line up with your existing season pass category - ie. Adult Season Passes will include an Adult 1-day lift ticket, Junior Season Passes will include a Junior 1-day lift ticket.
  • Holiday weeks include Christmas and President's weeks.
  • The activities will be loaded to your 2019+20 Season Pass. You will need to have it with you to redeem at the relevant locations. 
  • Access will be based on availability.
  • Except for the lift tickets, which can be shared, these activities are not transferable to other people.

Complimentary Activities and Lodging

Some of you have complimentary vouchers for lift tickets and waterpark access and certificates for lodging stays that were set to expire at the end of the 2019+20 Ski/Ride Season. Expiration dates for these will be extended, across the board, to December 24th, 2020.

Note: This does not include lift tickets purchased through third party sites or organizations. We are working directly with these partners to determine the best solution for these products.

The Threequency Pass

Any unused tickets will be extended through the end of the 2020+21 ski and ride season - April 30th, 2021. Stop in at Tramside Customer Service to validate any unused tickets.

Pre-Purchased Activities

Any activities purchased by phone or online with Jay Peak for the period between March 14th through May 1st, 2020 will automatically be cancelled and refunded. This includes lift tickets, waterpark access, ski & ride school day lessons/clinics, equipment rentals, climbing, and music events. This process is already well underway and we expect to have completed reimbursements by 3/20/20. You will receive a confirmation email when your refund has been processed.

Note: This does not include lift tickets purchased through third party sites or organizations. We are working directly with these partners to determine the best solution for these products.

Vermont Ski Areas Association Products

For inquiries regarding Ski Vermont products, please visit and the corresponding page on their website for updated information about this 2019+20 products. Here are some quick links to make accessing the pages faster:

Take 3 Beginner Package
Fifth Grade Passport
Ski Vermont 4 Pass
VIP Corporate Passes: please connect with the company from whom you obtained your pass or directly with VSAA.

Vacations and Lodging Stays

As with activities, we are reaching out to all guests with lodging stays between March 14th and May 1st, 2020 to offer a full refund or to move your vacation package to next winter (locking in your stay at this year's rates). Our Reservations Team has been very proactive on this process and most, if not all, adjustments have been processed as of 3/17/20.


We will be in touch prior to the start of the 20+21 season to arrange the make goods as listed here below.

8-Week Programs

This includes both the regular 8-week program and the 8-week Freeski/Freeride/Race Team. These guests will be  extended a day pass to the Pump House Indoor Waterpark valid any day January 1st - April 30th, 2021 (based on availability).

16-Week & 32-Week Freeski/Freeride/Race and Chickadee Programs

These guests will receive a credit (which will vary by program) valid toward your 2021+22 multi week program registration and two day passes to the Pump House Indoor Waterpark valid any day January 1st - April 30th, 2021 (based on availability).

Seasonal Equipment Rentals

Please hold on to your seasonal rental equipment for now. We will reach out in early May to coordinate returns.

Seasonal Lockers

All facilities are now locked. If you need to access your seasonal locker, please contact Security to set up a time to meet. You can reach the Security team 8a - 5p daily on (802) 323-6523. 


Given the current border closures, golf vouchers purchased at the Ottawa Golf Show in March 2020 will automatically be extended through the end of the 2021 Jay Peak golf season (one year extension).


After announcing the early closing of our ski and snowboard season on March 13th, we almost immediately began preparing to welcome you back. This cleaning, operational and responsibility treatise, our Jay Peak EverClean Program, is an attempt to both build more stringent safety and responsibility guidelines into our operating processes and to give you, our guest, more confidence as you step through the process of planning your vacation and then visiting our neck of the woods here in the northern Green Mountains.

This document will change and evolve as both the Federal and State governments adjust their guidance toward best practices and common standards. So please check back here often and we’ll make it was easy as possible to find and date-stamp these changes.

Check out the EverClean Plan

Lost & Found

We are not currently processing lost and found reports. Once we are able to bring people back to work, we'll let folks know when those services are available again. This includes processing any new reports that have been filed or any confirmed located and claimed items held here at the resort. Please bear with us for the time being, and we apologize for the inconvenience.


If you still have questions that aren't covered here, please contact us:

(800) 451-4449 |